Dear CRE participants, you can find here the submitted posters for CRE 2020/2021!


Christina Antoniadou   The militant aspect of Anubis in the literary sources

Hadeer Belal Water-Jar stands from the Coptic Museum

Giacomo Cavillier    The “Kay Project”: The “Cliff tombs” in Theban necropolis

Judit Garzón Rodríguez    Archaeological-philological-ethno-historical study of fundamental aspects of the penis, its symbolism and meaning in Ancient Egypt

Dimitris Georgiou    Ancient Egyptian Learning Tool (A.E.L.T.)

María Laura Iamarino   Amarna, Memphis and Thebes landscapes: a comparison with a multiscale approach

Beatriz Jiménez Meroño; Francisco L. Borrego Gallardo    Iconographical and iconological study of the snake-footed Anubis in Alexandria: connections and new creations

Maria-Antigoni-Katsigianni: Fayum-portraits-a-comparative-study-from-the-egyptian-collection-of-the-national-archaeological-museum-of-athens-and-the-british-museum

MagdalenaKaźmierczak  Distribution of the pottery vessels within the graves at Tell el-Murra cemetery

Stanislava Kučová; Jiří Musil    ARSW and its Importance for Dating of Late Roman Contexts in the al-Hayz Oasis, Bahariya, Western Desert, Egypt

Kevin McGuiness   Who’s Been Sleeping in Sitre-In’s Sarcophagus

Raquel  Lavador Novais   The preservation and presentation of Self in Egypt and Mesopotamia in the 3rd millennium BC: Portrait aesthetics challenges

Maria Linda Pessolano Egyptian-and-egyptianizing-scarabs-from-the-necropolis-of-pontecagnano

Nicola Reggiani; Alessia Bovo   Unpublished Greek and Demotic Papyri from Graeco-Roman Tebtunis: A Research Project at the University of Parma

Jayme Rudolf Reichart    A Typology of Formal Garden Scenes from Private Eighteenth Dynasty Theban Tombs Prior to the Amarna Period

Eman Mohsen Shahawy   Workers and Workshops of mosaics in Egypt during Greco-Roman period

Reham Zaky Social differentiation in Neolithic communities in the Middle Nile Region