CRE 2017 Naples: Bursaries


We are sorry to inform that this year the Egypt Exploration Society (EES) will not provide its traditional support to CRE 2017 with grants for the partecipants, due to the decision of the Trustees to reduce expenditure until a new strategic plan has been developed.

Nonetheless, thanks to the exceptional generosity of the Orientale University, we are able to make:

– 10 small bursary grants to cover the costs of inscription and the conference dinner;

– 3 more bursaries to cover travel costs (flight ticket).

Deadline is February 10th.

No restrictions are made for potential applicants, however, preference in consideration will go to postgraduate students with financial need who are presenting papers. Egyptian and Sudanese postgraduate students who wish to attend and present a paper are especially encouraged to apply.

All the partecipants to CRE 2017 Naples are invited to submit for one of our bursaries, contacting the Organizing Committee at explaining the reasons for their request.


Congratulation to our BURSAIRES RECIPIENTS: CRE2017_Bursaries-recipients