CRE 2017 Naples: Organising Committee


Ilaria Incordino

incordino mersa gawasis

Ilaria Incordino is Research Fellow in Egyptology and teacher of Egyptology for BA students at University of Naples “L’Orientale”. She has a PhD on the chronological problems of the IIIrd Egyptian Dynasty (re-examination of the archaeological evidence). Main research focus: rising of the pharaonic ideology and its symbols, cultural and commercial exchanges between Egypt and its neighbour countries (Nubia, Punt, Arabia) and pharaonic and Byzantine pottery analysis. She is member of the archaeological mission at Manqabad (Egypt, University of Naples L’Orientale), in the Eastern Central Desert (Egypt, University of Naples di Napoli L’Orientale, Helwan University, Cairo University) and at Mersa/Wadi Gawasis (University of Naples, Boston University).

Valentina Perna

Valentina Perna

Valentina Perna completed her PhD in African Studies, at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. She has worked on the pottery from Gash Delta, Sudan, and on the development of nomadism in this area during the 1st Millennium A.D.
Her research aims to understand the dynamics of the populations of the Eastern Sudan in the latest phases of the Atbai Cultural Sequence, which characterized the Region, through the study of the material culture.
She works as archaeologist and pottery analyst in several Missions and she is involved in the Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan, since 2013.

Stefania Mainieri

Stefania Mainieri

Stefania Mainieri completed her PhD research on the Egyptian Collection of the Archaeological Museum of Naples (MANN), at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”.
She is currently working in the team of Egyptologists curating the new installation of the Egyptian section in the above mentioned Museum. Since 2013, she has been cooperating in several didactic activities at the University “L’Orientale” with seminars about museum artefacts, use of archives, catalogue methodology, and in the organization of practical workshops at the Museum for undergraduate students. She is also a member of the Italian Archaeological Expedition at Manqabad – Abba Nefer Monastery (Assiut-Egypt)- and at the Nuserra sun-disk temple at Abu Ghurab.

Maria Diletta Pubblico

Diletta Pubblico

Maria Diletta Pubblico is a PhD Candidate in Egyptology at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. She is interested in Egyptian religion, museology and Late and Greek-Roman Period history and archaeology. She has been cooperating in several didactic activities like seminars and workshops. Since 2013, she is a member of the Mission Archéologique Française du Bubasteion à Saqqara (MAFB) and she takes also part to the Italian Archaeological Expedition at Manqabad – Abba Nefer Monastery (Assiut-Egypt).

Elena D’Itria

Elena D'Itria

Elena D’Itria is a PhD Candidate in Nubian Archaeology, at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. Her PhD concerns the study of the amulets of Kerma culture from the excavation of G. Reisner. Her first goal is to describe in a systematic way these materials which were only very partially studied and published so far. Her research aims to understand the Nubian religious belief through the study of the amulets.
Since 2015 she has participated in archeological fieldwork at Kassala, Eastern Sudan, with the Italian Archeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan (IAEES).

Anna Salsano

Anna Clelia Salsano

Anna Salsano is a Ph.D. Student in Egyptology and Coptic Civilization at the University of Rome “Sapienza”. She completed her Master’s degree in Archaeology: East and West at the University of Naples, “L’Orientale” (thesis in Egyptian Archaeology). She has excavated at Pontecagnano, Cuma and Pietrabbondante.
She studies Coptic Archaeology with special reference to Stone Architectural Elements.
Since 2014 she has taken part in the Italian-Egyptian mission at the monastery of Abba Nefer at Manqabad (Asyut).

Luigi Fabrizio

Luigi Fabrizio

Luigi Fabrizio is a Ph.D. candidate of Egyptian Archeology, at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. He is working on a research project entitled “The weapons of Ancient Egypt: morphological, functional and iconographic analysis from the Second Intermediate Period to the New Kingdom.”
The aim of his research is to compare the artifacts with scenes to prove the relationship between these two aspects of Egyptian culture and to individuate new aspects of ancient egypitian warfare.

Pietro Fusco

Pietro Fusco

Pietro Fusco is a Ph.D. student in African Studies, at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. He is working on the Lithics from the Gash Delta, Sudan, from the VI mill. BC up until the I mill. AD.
His research aims to better understand the social complexity and the culture of the Gash Delta populations through the technological and typological analysis of lithics togheter with data from other specialists.
He has collaborated with several missions in Egypt and Sudan with different assignments. Now, he works as archaeologist and lithic analyst with the Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan, since 2011.

Member of technical staff

Alessia Cesaro

Alessia Cesaro

Alessia Cesaro completed her Master’s degree in Archaeology: East and West at the University of Naples, “L’Orientale” (thesis in Nubian Archaeology). Her research is focused on the study of Mesolithic pottery from the Eastern Sudan. She has participated in many excavations in Italy and abroad. Since 2013 she has participated in archaeological fieldwork at Kassala, Eastern Sudan, with the Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan (IAEES).

Eleonora Minucci

Eleonora Minucci

Eleonora Minucci has a a MA in Nubian Antiquity from the University “L’Orientale” of Naples, Italy. In her Master’s thesis she specialized in Bioarchaeology and Anthropology, focusing on the anthropological analysis of the human skeletal remains from the Gash Delta Region (Eastern Sudan). Her purpose was to offer a new contribution to a more large understanding of funerary ideologies and of biological/popolationistic overview for the cultural groups living in Eastern Sudan between the IV mill. B.C. and the I mill. A.D. Her main research interests include osteological remains analysis, dental pathology, isotopic exams, Taphonomic Archaeology, interaction between diet and bio-archaeological data, Prehistory of Egypt and Nubia.
She has been involved as physical anthropologist in many italian projects and in the Italian Mission to Aksum (Ethiopia). Since 2014, in the Italian Archaeological Expedition to Eastern Sudan (University “L’Orientale”).

Francesco Michele Rega

Francesco Rega

Francesco Michele Rega completed his Bachelor’s degree in Ancient Civilizations and Archaeology: East and West and his Master’s degree in Archaeology: East and West at the University of Naples, “L’Orientale”. He is studying grinding stones and man-made holes in the rocks from Sudan, with a particular focus on those from the Eastern Desert and the Eastern Sudan. He has excavated at Pontecagnano, Cuma and Pietrabbondante. Since 2014 he has been involved in the research of the Italian Archaeological Expedition to the Eastern Sudan (IAEES) in the area of Kassala, particularly at Mahal Teglinos, UA53 and Jebel Abu Gamal.

Serena Monaco


Serena Monaco completed her master’s degree in Archaeology: East and West at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. Her thesis in Egyptology focuses on the organization of labour and the management of manpower during the Middle Kingdom in Egypt, with a special attention on workers’ lists, payment methods and specific terminology of the different jobs. She has been involved in some archaeological excavations in Italy (prehistoric and Roman times) and since 2014 she has been working as a tourist assistant in the Archaeological Site of Pompeii.