Date : | 19-22 March, 2013 |
Location : | University of Cambrige, Great Britain |
Publication : | Accetta, K., Fellinger, R., Lourenço Gonçalves, P., & van Pelt, W. P. (eds), 2013, Current Research in Egyptology 2013, Oxford: Oxbow Books |
List of papers
Author | Title | Publication reference |
Renate Fellinger | Egyptian vs. Greek: The Impact of Greek Rule on the Positon of Women in Demotic Egyptian Law | |
Frits Hendrich | The Production of Barley Bread in Umm Mawagir (Kharga Oasis) | |
Amaury Pétigny | From Sacred to Law, Back and Forth: The Expressions ′.w.y n ḥrr and s(y)ḥḥ in Demotic | |
Paul Van Pelt | Plastering New Kingdom Kush: An examination of Egyptian Environmental and Technological Adaptation | |
Amy Bahé | An Egyptian Perspective: Demotic Ostraca from Deir el-Bahari in the British Museum | |
Eman Khalifa | Crossing Boundaries in Ceramic Studies: Applying Chemical Residue Analysis to Predynastic Sherds from Hierakonpolis | |
Elisa Priglinger | The Role of Climate at the End of the 3rd Millennium BC in Egypt | |
Sarah Musselwhite | A Bioarchaeological Approach to Immigration in Late Egyptian History | |
John Burn | Marshlands and the Great Drought: Using Tomb Decorations to Access the Environmental Awareness at the End of the Old Kingdom | |
Emily Marlow | Sexual Dimorphism of the Cranium in Ancient Egypt: A Test of Population-Specific Metric Sex Estimation Equations on Crania from Late Period Giza | |
Pedro Gonçalves | Memphis Deep Under the Silt: A Geoarchaeological Approach | |
John Wyatt | Africa: The Missing Link in the Identification of the Birds of Ancient Egypt? | |
Kelly Ann Accetta | Thresholds of the Gods: Doorways in Ancient Egypt | |
Maria Nilsson | Pseudo Script in Gebel el Silsila: Preliminary Results of the Epigraphic Survey 2012 | |
Clarie Ollett | Aspects of the Monumental Landscape of Seti I at Thebes: Agenda and Legitimisation | |
Luigi Prada | The Identity of the Dedicatee of a Controversial Amarna Text and the Painters of TT139: Preparing a New Edition of Pawah’s Graffito | |
Reg Clark | Tomb Security in the Third and Early Fourth Dynasties | |
Daniel Soliman | Workmen’s Marks in the Theban Necropolis during the Ramesside Period | |
Gemma Tully and Monica Hanna | Ancient Landscape, Contemporary Narratives: Reinterpreting the Theban Necropolis Through the Eyes of its Users | |
Fatma Keshk | Early Urban Development of Settlement Sites in the Pre- and Early Dynastic Delta (ca. 4500-3100 BC) | |
Lucia Hulkova | Cultural and Chronological Boundaries: The Hyksos Graves of Tell el-Retaba | |
Dorian Vanhulle | The Nile and Beyond: The Birth of Navigation in Egypt | |
Justin Yoo | New Kingdom Economy: Evidence of Redistribution or Heightened Biases? | |
Andrea Kahlbacher | The Menu, Please! Individualism vs. Standardization of the Funerary Repast Scenes | |
Nicky Nielsen | Some Notes on the Mechanics of Ramesside Slave Sales | |
Gabrielle Heffernan | Remembering the Past: Royal Ancestors as Inspriation for Eighteenth Dynasty Tomb Decoration | |
Micòl Di Teodoro | The Organisation of Seasonal Labour During the Egyptian Middle Kingdom | |
John Billman | Is the Late Period Archaism Different from Earlier Practices of Recalling the Past? | |
Vincent Oeters | The Tomb of Tatia at Saqqara | |
Charles Draper | Papyrus Vandier Reassessed | |
Janelle Wade and Johnathan Winnerman | Epigraphy and Conservation of the Tell Edfu Block Yard: A Report from the 2012 Season | |
Emily Cole | Translation or Commentary? The Case of P. Rhind I and II | |
Afifi Rohim Afifi and Glen Dash | An Excavation and Geophysical Survey in the Valley of the Kings | |
Daniel Potter | Potential Grammaticalisation of the Hand/Arm of the God in the Ramesside Period | |
Annalinda Lacoviello | Libyans in Egypt: Dynamics of Assimilation | |
Ahmed Mekawy Ouda | Did Werethekau “Great of Magic” Have a Cult? A Debate Between the Scholars and the Sources | |
Valeria Turriziani | Foreign Deities, Frontier Deities: Evidence from the Old Kingdom | |
Susana Mota | Beyond the Obvious: The Middle Kingdom Settlements and Their Contribution to the Study of Household Religion in Ancient Egypt | |
Elizabeth Brophy | Two-For-One: Looking at Egyptian Statues with Roman Features in Egypt | |
Chiara Salvador | From the Realm of the Dead to the House of the Gods: The ‘Appeals to the Living’ and Their Context | |
Maha Yahia | Three Stelae of King Nehsy from Tell Habwe: A New Interpretation | |
Paulo del Vesco | The Quest for Survivals: Representing and Collecting Rural Egypt in the Early 20th Century | |
Carlo Rindi | A New Type of Ptah-Sokar-Osiris Figure: Preliminary Highlights | |
Joost Kramer | Medieval Egyptology: What Can We Learn from Arabic Medieval Histories on Pharaonic Egypt? | |
Marisa Bealby | Do Maths and You Can Do Anything: Revisiting Egyptian-Aegean Relations | |
Linda Steynor | Crossing Disciplinary Boundaries: The Applicability of Modern Literary Theory to Ancient Text | |
Birgit Schiller | The Transfer of Landscape Elements Between the Aegean and Egypt | |
Hany Rashwan | A New Rhetorical Reading of the Zigzag Stela of Rameses II (Tanis V, Face C) | |
Giannakoulous Khan | Black Asclepius, White Imhotep: The Exchange of Healing Practices Between Egypt and Prehistoric Aegean | |
Benjamin Hinson | A Philological and Ethnoarchaeological Study of Sinhue’s Life Abroad: Towards a Rehabilitation of Egyptian Sources for Understanding the Levantine MBA? | |
Carl Walsh | The High Life: Courlty Lifestyles in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean | |
Julia Hsieh | Where is the “City of Eternity”? | |
Stefanie Hardekopf | Is “Bankes Tomb” Really Lost? | |
Kirsten Dzwiza | Getting Closer: Research on the Origin of Magic Signs | |
Tatjana Beuthe | The South Tomb: Examining Meaningful Orientation of Cenotaphs in Egyptian Pyarmid Complexes from the Old to Middle Kingdoms | |
Ronaldo Guilherme Gurgel Pereira | The ‘Knowledge’ in the Book of Thoth and the Hermetic ‘Gnosis’: Reallocating the Center of ‘Restricted Knowledge’ from the Egyptian Temples to Ordinary Individuals | |
Dr. Judith Bunbury | Team Games from Karnak to Kharga: Exploring Landscape and Climate Change in Egyptology | |
Professor Geoffrey T. Martin | Excavations at the Tomb of Horemheb in the Valley of the Kings | |
Dr. Kate Spence | Colonialism, Architecture, and Experience in New Kingdom Nubia |
Information Courtesy of CRE XIV Committee.