CRE XI 2010: Leiden


Date : 5-8 January 2010
Location : University of Leiden, The Netherlands
Publication : Horn, M, Kramer, J, Soliman, D, Staring N, van den Hoven, C, & Weiss,
L. (eds), 2011, Current Research in Egyptology 2010,
Oxford: Oxbow Books

List of papers

Author Title Publication reference
Heba Abd el-Gawad ‘Out of Bounds – Priest’s Property!’ The Status of the Ptolemaic Kings at Memphis 1-14
Nathalie Andrews Protecting Personhood: Protecting personhood: the role of the Sacred Eye in ensuring the continuing identity of the deceased 15-21
Maria Correas-Amador Egyptian Mud Dwellings: An Ethnoarchaeological Perspective 22-32
Renate Dekker Reconstructing and re-editing the archive of Bishop Pesynthios of Koptos/Keft (7th century) 33-41
Grazia Di Pietro Models from Predynastic daily life: A view from Naqada 42-52
Rita Gautschy Lunar and Sothic data from the archive of Illahun revisited: Absolute Chronology of the Middle Kingdom 53-61
Felix Hoflmayer Egyptian pots, Aegean chronology and radiocarbon: Recent research on Egypt and the early Aegean Late Bronze Age 62-70
Jens Blach Jorgensen Myth and cosmography. On the Union of Re and Osiris in two types of religious discourse 71-80
Ines Kohler Rage like an Egyptian: the conceptualization of anger 81-96
Jared B. Krebsbach The Persians and Atum Worship in Egypt’s Twenty Seventh Dynasty 97-104
Miriam Muller An elite quarter of Avaris/Tell el-Dab’a – multicultural life in a town of the Second Intermediate Period 105-115
Melinda Nelson-Hurst The increasing emphasis on collateral and female kin in the late Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period: the vivification formula as a case study 116-123
Kim Ridealgh ‘Yes Dear!’ Spousal Dynamics in the Late Ramesside Letters 124-130
Marta Sankiewicz The ‘Coregency’ of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III in the light of iconography in the Hatshepsut Temple at Deir el-Bahari 131-144
Nico Staring Analysing figural graffiti: stela Louvre C8 as a case study 145-156
Linda Steynor The function of Metaphor in The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant 157-173
Veronica Tamorri Preliminary Observations on Practices of Bodily Manipulation in Predynastic Egyptian Funerary Contexts 174-182
Carina van den Hoven Balancing the gods. Priestly design in the temple of Kalabsha 183-196
Lara Weiss Encountering liminal zones at Deir el-Medina? 197-205
Stephanie Atherton Sacred Ibis mummies in the Manchester Museum: a morphological and forensic study  
Yanne Broux & Sandra Coussement Creating Identities in Graeco-Roman Egypt: Double Names in the Ptolemaic and Roman Period  
Sarah Foster Landscape and Cosmology in the Badarian (c. 4500-4000 B.C.): an insight provided by ‘exotic materials’  
Henning Franzmeier The Cemetery of Sedment in the New Kingdom – New Light on an old Excavation  
Alexandros Giannakoulas Before Polydamna: Egyptian parturient vessels and the trade of medical lore with the Bronze Age Aegean  
Kenneth Griffin An Analysis of the Rekhyt Rebus on the Columns of the Temple of Seti at Abydos  
Joost Hagen Church and state in medieval Christian Nubia: The evidence of the Coptic texts from Qasr Ibrim  
Maarten Horn Dressing the Dead during the Tasian, Badarian and Early Naqadian Periods in the Qau- Matmar Region-A Comparison and Interpretation  
Shih-Wei Hsu The power of the image and the image of the power: ‘The griffin’ as a visual and written image for the king  
Gwen Jennes Creating Identities in Graeco-Roman Egypt: Theophoric Names  
Lisanne Kleiterp “From Temple to Church”: the Christian reuse of ‘pagan’ temples  
Michal Kurzyk & Thomasz Herbich Geophysical surveying in Egypt: the Polish contribution  
Margaret Maitland Spatial hierarchy in Middle Kingdom Elite Culture  
Howard Middleton-Jones The Digital 3D Reconstruction of the Coptic Church at Qubbat al-Hawa  
Antonio J. Morales Old Kingdom Priestly Texts of Nut and their transmission into the Middle Kingdom  
Sander Muskens Cultural Choice and Constructing Identity in later Roman Egypt: Funerary Stelae from Behnasa  
Jurgen van Oostenrijk The “chaine operatoire” of Late Period Shabti Groups from Saqqara  
German Ruiz Ruiz The Notion of Combat in Ancient Egypt: A lexicographical Study of the Terminology  
Lea van de Sande The 21th maxim of the Instruction of Ptahhotep: a comparison of versions  
Anita Sempel Participles and Aspect  
Alessandra Siragusa The Swty.w: Brokers and Operators in the small and Large Range Trade  
Daniel Soliman Iconographic and stylistic studies of kingly sculpture from Dynasties 13, 16 and 17  
Susanne Topfer A (new-)edition of the Embalming Ritual after the papyri Boulaq 3 and Louvre 5158  
Gemma Tully ‘Answering the calls of the living’: Collaborative Museology and the Representation of Ancient Egypt in Western Museum Displays  
Paula Veiga Osiris’ green: his body represented in medicinal plants  



Information Courtesy of CRE XIV Committee.