CRE 2023 Basel: Organising Committee









Geirr Lunden

Having studied Egyptology at Swansea University in Wales, and Leiden University in the Netherlands, I am currently a doctoral assistant at the graduate school of eikones – center for the theory and history of the image in Basel, Switzerland. My PhD research concerns the ancient Egyptian perceptions of their own art as a tradition, and how Egyptology has dealt with the concept of tradition in ancient art history.










Lauren Dogaer

She holds an MA in Ancient History (2018) as well as an MA in Archaeology: Egyptology (2019) from the KU Leuven University in Belgium. Since April 2021 she works as a doctoral assistant at the University of Basel for the Beyond the Text project, led by Prof. Dr. Sandrine Vuilleumier. Her main research interests focus on the religious-funerary practices of the Graeco-Roman period. In her PhD she studies the socio-cultural connections and interactions between Theban priesthoods in the Ptolemaic and Roman periods. 









Elena Hertel

Having received my BA (Egyptology /Classical Archaeology) from Heidelberg University and my MA (Egyptology) from Leiden University, I am now based at Basel University to write my PhD as part of the ‘Crossing Boundaries’ project. My research focus has always been both on material culture as well as Egyptian cursive scripts (hieratic, abnormal hieratic, and demotic). For my PhD I study the material evidence of use and reuse of papyrus as writing material on the example of New Kingdom Hieratic papyri from Deir el-Medina kept at the Museo Egizio in Turin.










Cyprian Fong

Cyprian Fong is a doctoral assistant in the SNSF-funded Project ‘Beyond the Text: New Funerary Compositions from the Graeco-Roman Period’. In his doctoral project, he seeks to understand the religious significance, usage, and transmission of the Second Documents of Breathing.









Sayed Soliman

Sayed Mamdouh Soliman received his BA in Egyptology from Sohag University, in 2008. In 2017 he received his Masters from Sohag University, with a thesis on the hieratic ostraca from the Valley of the Kings. Since 2020 he has been a doctoral student at the University of Basel. His PhD thesis is entitled “A Re-Discovered Ramesside Tomb in Qurnet Muari: TT 382 (Usermontu) – An Archaeological and Epigraphic Study.” His PhD study of the monument of Usermontu aims to reconstruct the entire history of the tomb, from the initial tomb owner Usermontu through the tomb’s subsequent re-use into modern times.











Charlotte Hunkeler

Charlotte Hunkeler is a PhD candidate in Egyptology at the University of Basel. In her PhD thesis she studies the iconography, inscription and manufacture of inner coffins dating from the 22nd to the 25th dynasties. She is a member of the University of Basel Kings’ Valley Project and is further involved in several international projects, where she researches complete and fragmentary coffins dating from the New Kingdom to the Late Period. 









Tarek Mohamed

Tarek Mohamed received his B.A. from the Faculty of Archaeology at Cairo University in 2009, and his M.A. in 2015 with a thesis titled “Publishing a group of offering tables and libation Basins excavated from the Giza necropolis”. Since 2018, he has been a PhD candidate at Basel University, working on his dissertation titled “Networks of Identity: The Self-Representation of Lower Rank Officials at Giza in the Late Old Kingdom”.










Marwan Kilani

Marwan Kilani is a PostDoc researcher at the University of Basel. His current project focuses on dialects in Late Egyptian and linguistic interactions between Egypt and the Levant during the New Kingdom. His academic interests touch on questions of socio-cultural interactions, identity, and the role languages and linguistics can have as sources of historical information.










Alexis Den Doncker

I am a postdoc assistant in Egyptology at the University of Basel. My researches focus on the reception of images by ancient Egyptian people. Following a PhD thesis on human reactions to image in Theban tomb-chapels (University of Liège, 2019), I am currently carrying out a postdoctoral study project on the pictorial varnishes used in Theban tomb painting, with a special concern for their multisensory aspects (in cooperation with the Museo EgizioTurin). I collaborate as member of the project Life Histories of Theban Tombs (University of Basel), and of the Belgian Archaeological Mission in the Theban Necropolis (Free University of Brussels – University of Liège).










Jacqueline M. Huwyler

Jacqueline is a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Basel, working part time as an editor and (German to English) translator for archaeological publications. Her dissertation  examines the introduction of the Syro-Palestinian goddess Anat into Egypt, and what this says about the nature of Egyptian and migrant identities. Jacqueline specializes in Ancient Egyptian concepts of identity, especially in connection to the so-called cultural “other.” She holds a B.A. cum laude in Classical and Near Eastern Archaeology from Bryn Mawr College, and an M.A. with distinction in Egyptian Archaeology from the University College London (UCL).  She is currently the CRE webmaster and on the Permanent Committee.