Dear CRE Participants and friends, below you can find book offers by leading Egyptological publishers that might interest you, as well as a new open-access Egyptology journal.




Archaeopress is the current and formerly the first publisher of the Proceedings of Current Research in Egyptology. It is an excellent publisher for our areas of interest, especially archaeology and is devoted to the publication of academic monographs, excavation reports, conference proceedings, archaeological biographies, and archaeological catalogues. 

Archaeopress has kindly offered CRE 2021 delegates a 25% discount on titles including the Proceedings for CRE 2018-2020 amongst many other titles in a 15-page catalogue put together for our benefit that can be found and downloaded via the link here:

A welcome message for those attending CRE 2021:

“Welcome to our mini-catalogue for CRE2021. Like everyone, we are sad not to be able to visit the conference in person and bring our usual display of recently published titles, but we hope this catalogue gives a taste of our activity over the past year. As would be usual for our conference display, we are offering a 25% discount on all prices listed in this catalogue. You can order via our website, applying voucher code CRE2021 to your basket before checkout to claim the discount. Please note this discount will work on all products available via our website, not just those listed in this catalogue. The code and offer will be valid until 30/06/2021.

Postage Charges: UK delivery: 10% of the total cost of purchases.International delivery: 15% of the total cost of purchases. All international deliveries are sent by airmail.” –Archaeopress


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Oxbow Books-Golden House Publications


Oxbow Books was the former publisher for our Proceedings and they are the official distributor for Golden House Publications who has sponsored and worked with CRE in the past. 

Oxbow Publications is a leading publisher in the archaeological sector with an exceptional collection of publications in sectors such as Egyptology, Ancient Near East, Astronomy, Language and Texts and other affiliated fields with books of high quality and academic accuracy.


Oxbow Books is also the official distributor of Golden House Publications (, publishing high quality and beautifully illustrated Egyptological monographs, edited volumes, museum catalogues and much more please visit their website. Golden House is also the publisher of three series: IBAES (Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie), GHP Egyptology and Middle Kingdom Studies. 


Oxbow Books has kindly provided Special Offers on Egyptology Books (including GHP Publications) for the delegates of the CRE 2020/2021. You can find the catalogue here:





Interdisciplinary Egyptology: a new, innovative academic journal for Egyptologists, by Egyptologists.

 Find out more at

Online, FREE to publish, FREE Open Access directly upon publication, and Peer Reviewed!

Interdisciplinary Archaeology (IntEg) is a new, free-to-publish, fully open access, peer-reviewed online journal focused on publishing interdisciplinary research in Egyptology with a broad geological and chronological scope. Many CRE participants may be interested to publish their research in this journal. The Editorial Team can be seen here: