CRE 2024 UK: Organising Committee

Meet the CRE 2024 Organising Committee!



Catherine Bishop, University of Liverpool

Catherine is a third year PhD candidate at the University of Liverpool, focussing on the procurement, processing, and use of incense in Bronze Age Egypt, funded by the John Lennon Memorial Scholarship. She has a BA in Classical Civilisations and Egyptology from Swansea University, and an MA at the same institution in Ancient Egyptian Culture. Alongside her research, she has had the opportunity to work with the Abydos Middle Cemetery Project and the South Asasif Conservation Project. Her research interests include environmental archaeology and art history in the context of ancient Egypt.

Catherine Bishop


Marina Sartori, University of Oxford

Marina Sartori, Egyptologist, is a SNSF Postdoc.mobility Fellow at the University of Oxford (Grant nr. P500PH_214164). Both her PhD dissertation (2022, University of Basel), titled “Between the (brush)lines. Script- and Figure-pictoriality in New Kingdom Theban tombs”, and her postdoc project, “Idiosyncratic graphic registers in New Kingdom manuscripts”, revolve around the visual aspects of written and figurative representation in ancient Egypt. As an archaeologist and epigraphist, she has been part of the Swiss Mission in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna (2016-2019) and is now a member of the Polish Mission in the North Asasif.



Reuben Hutchinson-Wong, University of Birmingham 

Reuben is a postgraduate researcher at the University of Birmingham, England, investigating ancient (re)use of tombs and mastabas for additional burial during the Old through early Middle Kingdoms. He previously completed a MA (Ancient History), BA(Hons) (Ancient History), BA (Ancient History and Geography) from Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Auckland. His main research interests are on how ancient peoples engaged with and altered mortuary landscapes, as well as the reception of ancient Egypt in colonial New Zealand.  

Henry Bohun, University of Wales Trinity Saint David
Henry is currently a PhD student at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David (UWTSD). He graduated from Swansea University with a B.A in Egyptology in 2014, and from the same institution with an M.A in Ancient Egyptian Culture in 2015. His main areas of research interest are kingship ideology and royal and ancestor veneration, with his PhD focusing on these concepts during the early Ptolemaic Period. Henry has helped organize a number of academic conferences in the last few years, which have focused on bringing together researchers from across different disciplines.
John Rogers, University of Swansea
John Rogers is a PhD candidate at Swansea University, from where he also gained a BA in Ancient History and Egyptology and an MA in Ancient Egyptian Culture. His dissertation focuses on discourses of statehood and power during the transition from Kushite to Saite Egypt. He has obtained several grants and scholarships, including a Centenary Scholarship (2017–2018) and a Research Excellence Scholarship (2019–2022). His wider research focuses on integrating Egyptology and State/Political Theory, the intellectual history of the ancient world, and examining presentations of power and authority in text and object in diverse geographic and temporal settings. He participates in fieldwork in Luxor and Abydos, and has interned at the British Museum.




Michelle Middleman, University of Liverpool
Michelle is a Dr in Egyptology and specialises in the Old Kingdom with particular focus on tomb biographies. Her area of research is based on the social aspects of ancient Egyptian culture such as rites of passage, education, careers, and family dynamics. She is currently working on readying her PhD thesis for publication next year which is titled Getting a Job in Old Kingdom Egypt: From Rite of Passage to Promotion. 
Chang Lu, University of Liverpool
Chang is currently a PhD candidate in Egyptology at the University of Liverpool. Her research focuses on Old Egyptian philology, particularly looking at grammatical changes through the Pyramid Texts. Outside of her studies, she enjoys experiencing the history, languages, and cultures of the world, and is eager to explore the unknown.  